Education is a basic human right. We have been saying that for many years and we believe that as strongly today as we did the first day we opened our doors.
Looking back at 2021, we can proudly say we now have 8 college graduates who are living on their own and thriving. We welcome them home any time to enjoy a meal, an afternoon cricket game and look forward to seeing them over the holidays.
Hope Now – like all nonprofits – rely on our generous donors to make our goals and dreams a reality. Without you, we cannot do what we do, which is save HIV-positive children in India, care for them and ensure they have the education they need to thrive as they grow into adulthood.
As we turn to our year-end giving campaign, our goal is to raise $2000 by December 31. This will send two kids to college for one year. A lot of bang for the buck.
Please consider being part of a team that provides the opportunity for each of our kids to fulfill their purpose and destiny. Share our story with your family and friends over the next couple of weeks. Be the change you want to see in the world.
Happy Holidays!