House Parents
John Crimson & Roseline Gudigondla
Meet our new house parents John and Roseline. John has been working in the field of education for many years. Roseline is a nurse and has more than 17 years of working in a hospital setting. This combination is a perfect match for Hope Now and we are fortunate to have them on our team.
Teaching Staff
Vincent has been a part of our work family for a number of years now. Vincent is an IT Networking professional who makes our computer lab hum, our wifi running and most importantly serves as a mentor and friend to our kids. He also serves as a liaison between the home and our landlords, staying on top of the various maintenance issues that arise, our security system and coordinating our staff.
Administrative Director
Leela connects all the dots and makes things happen. Leela plays a key role in the home as a “mother” and so much more. “My joy is in spending quality time – one on one with each child. Listening to their joy, sorrow, complaints, difficulties, achievements and progress,” she says.
Operating a children’s home requires the wearing of many hats. Leela is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the home including budgets, liaison with staff, teachers, healthcare professionals and the planning it takes to care for the kids in the home, at school and beyond.
“The favorite part of my job is when I have all the kids around me chatting with them. I enjoy this the most!!”
Long-term Volunteer ~ Mentor